Pub Crawl Age Requirement
The minimum age for all parties booked by individual seat involving alcohol, including pub crawls, is 21 years of age or older. Riders must present valid ID to the captain when signing the release waiver before the start of the booking. Nobody under 21 is allowed on board a pub crawl.

Private Party Age Requirements
Private parties may have people under the age of 21 on board, typically for family events and teenage birthdays. If alcohol is involved, the people under 21 may not consume alcohol, must wear a wristband, cannot enter any bars, and must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian (NOTE: this does not mean an older sister who is not a legal guardian). If at any time a minor is suspected of consuming alcohol by the captain, the entire reservation will be immediately terminated, no refund will be issued, and a $100 early termination fee will be charged.

Infants and children who require a car seat or booster seat, typically under the age of 8, will not be allowed on board the party bike. Children above the age of 8 but under the age of 12 may be required to sit on the back bench with the seat belt on next to an adult.